Iim Case Study On Kolaveri Di Dance

3 min readDec 23, 2020

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Sajal Kumar. a first year post-graduate programme student at IIM Kozhikode. has done a case study on the song. calling it Project Kolaveri. Within three weeks of its release on YouTube. the Kolaveri Di video garnered 19 million views and was shared by 6. 5 million Facebook users. This is a case study of an Indian Song by Sony Music that became famous in 42 countries. Book. Listen to it …

The IIMs have been treating the popular song Kolaveri Di as a classic example of viral marketing. Most IIMs have screened the song in class to discuss how the same strategy can be used by companies to leverage their marketing activities. Students have also carried out case studies on Kolaveri Di.

Sajal Kumar. a first year post-graduate programme student at IIM Kozhikode. has done a case study on the song. calling it Project Kolaveri. The student also sent out an online survey. analysing . . .

This case study explores what made Kolaveri the sensation it became and lists the elements that make up an ideal viral marketing campaign in India. It was agony and ecstasy in quick succession for leading Tamil movie star Dhanush last November. He recorded a song for the film 3 — a home production. in which he also plays the lead role — only to discover soon after that a disgruntled employee . . .

Kolaveri Di song an example of viral marketing. say IIMs The soup song has become an anthem for the future managers of the country. The Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) are treating the popular song Kolaveri Di from an upcoming Tamil film ‘3’ as a classic example of viral marketing. . .

The IIMs have been treating the popular song Kolaveri Di as a classic example of viral marketing. Most IIMs have screened the song in class to discuss how the same strategy can be used by companies to leaverage their marketing activities. Students have also carried out case studies on Kolaveri Di.

This case study explores what made Kolaveri the sensation it became and lists the elements that make up an ideal viral marketing campaign in India. It was agony and ecstasy in quick succession for. . .

Kollywood star Dhanush. who acquired nationwide fame after his song Why this Kolaveri Di went viral. on Tuesday decoded the success of the song for the students of Indian Institute of Management. Ah

Why This Kolaveri Di? ? — A Viral Marketing Case Study Well. if you haven’t caught onto the Kolaveri fever. it is time. Since its release on the internet on the 16th of Nov 2011. this song has gone viral and has earned numerous followers. It is an Indian song from the soundtrack of the upcoming Tamil film ‘3’. which is due to be released in 2012. Written and sung by Dhanush. the song is . . .

Why this #Kolaveri di! — Social Media Sensation — Movie Marketing Case Study. by Sorav Jain | Nov 22. 2011 | Case Studies. Digital Marketing Practices. Social Media Trends | 8 comments. I am writing this article on day 2 of the’ #kolaveri’ trending on twitter! This is one of the smartest word of mouth marketing strategies adapted by movies I have seen by far after Paranormal Activity . . .




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